This is a pico-8 port of Klax, mainly based on the Atari Lynx version, featuring:

  • 100 levels 
  • 5 different backgrounds 
  • warps 
  • full klax combos and scoring system.

I needed a warm up project after taking some time off since finishing Masters of the Universe and I was thinking how Lynx screen resolution is not that far off from pico-8's and it gave me the idea of trying to port some games. I played a lot of this on my lynx and it seemed like the easiest one to start with.

Major thanks to Paul Niven for his feedback!

Hope you'll enjoy this.

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, HTML5
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
Made withPICO-8
TagsDemake, lynx, PICO-8, retrogaming


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is there a possibility of GB version?. I don’t like the original gb port it was ugly, confusing and needed colours like the Atari 2600 version

Thanks. This one reactivated few memories :)

Love this game! Any chance of a Windows Executable please?


I’ll upload  it soon, didn’t until now because it was the less played game. Also if you really like klax you can try an emulated version of the original on sega genesis or pc engine 


They're online now!

Thank you very much! Really appreciate it! :-)

(PS. I've played all versions of Klax, including the MAME version, but I really like your version better for some reason. Love the PICO-8 sound and aesthetic)


Well, thanks a lot! Probably because it's based on the Lynx version which was always the best

I use to play this game all the time as a kid